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Kenya Kainamui

Kenya Kainamui

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Kenya Kainamui by New Ngariama FCS

Tastes: Lime, dark fruits, long finish
Varieties: Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
Region: Kirinyaga
Process: Washed & dried on raised beds
Altitude: 1650-1800m
Importer: Covoya Specialty Coffee

This AA-grade fully washed lot is from Kainamui washing station, one of 3 factories managed by New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) in Kirinyaga county, situated in Kenya's central highlands. Kainamui was established in 1963, the same year Kenya declared independence.

The factory works with 2,000 member farmers, 60% men and 40% women. These small scale local farmers cultivate an average of just 200 trees at altitudes up to 1,800 masl.

Patrick Njogu runs the management at Kainamui, along with his unmatched team. They ensure all the coffee processes run smoothly and diligently. Some of their responsibilities include weighing coffee, hand-picking, green grading, storage, transportation, training, paying and addressing farmer concerns.