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Peru El Morito
Peru El Morito

Peru El Morito

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Peru El Morito By Nehemías Estela Chilcon

Tastes: Sweet, orange sherbet, honey
Varietal: Yellow Caturra
Region: Cajamarca
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1700-1900 m
Importer: Common Goal Coffee

This coffee was produced in the town of El Diamante by Nehemías, a 28-year-old young man who belongs to the third generation of coffee growers. Nehemías is the owner of his own plots and has the initiative to increase his production and quality year after year. He has already taken training and technical assistance to achieve what he has in mind. Nehemías is one of the representative producers of Finca El Morito because he is younger and committed to change.

Through a machine, the coffee cherry is pulped after a few days of being picked. The beans are left to rest without organic matter and then washed to remove remains of sticky mucilage. Drying time is between 25 to 30 days depending on the climate, under solar dryers that allow moisture evaporation without total contact with the environment.

David Flores, a third-generation coffee producer, serves as the general manager of Finca El Morito. Balancing responsibilities between coffee production and overseeing the El Finca Morito network of neighboring family farms, he plays a crucial role in the farm's and communities success.

Situated in the San Jose de Lourdes district, Province of San Ignacio, within the Cajamarca region of North Peru, Finca El Morito spans 150 hectares. The farm boasts a diverse range of coffee beans, including Yellow Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Geisha, Marshall, Catuai, and Catimor.

Employing a meticulous approach, the farm engages in selective harvesting, followed by a waterless pulping process. The coffee undergoes washing and fermentation for 8 to 12 hours in cherry form, and an additional 72 hours in parchment after pulping. The drying process occurs under transparent calamine dryer modules and solar tents, typically taking 26 to 30 days on average.
Setting itself apart, Finca El Morito prioritizes environmentally friendly practices, utilizing compost for coffee cultivation while minimizing fertilizer usage. Nestled within the natural surroundings of the forest, the farm embodies a commitment to harmonizing with the local environment.

Investing in post-harvest technology, the farm features tanks, tubs, drying areas, and warehouses. Moreover, management activities are in place for soil conservation, water utilization, preservation of native species, and the incorporation of compost into coffee trees.

Beyond its agricultural endeavors, Finca El Morito serves as an association, providing employment to over 50 coffee growers, across different parts of the Cajamarca department. Finca El Morito stands out for its exceptional qualities in aroma, body, taste, and color. The company's commitment extends beyond its coffee, emphasizing environmental responsibility. Choosing Finca El
Morito coffee directly supports more than 50 coffee-producing families in San Ignacio, contributing to the sustainability of both the business and the local community.