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#fridaysforfuture Bring Your Own Mug (Sept 27, 2019)

Climate Action Graphic

We’re taking $1.50 off your drink if you bring your own mug on Friday, Sept 27, 2019 and encourage you to participate in the #UnitedForClimate movement.

There are currently over 3300 events taking place worldwide this week, as millions of people join together in the streets and demand climate action and climate justice.

In B.C. the main marches will take place in Vancouver and Victoria. You can find more information about the many local events happening during the week of action at the Sustainabiliteens Facebook page for Vancouver or at the Our Earth Our Future website for Victoria.

On Friday, September 27, millions of people worldwide will join the young school strikers, culminating into what will be the biggest global climate mobilization ever.

Read more about JJ Bean's Environmental Responsibility.