Making a splash in Sizi, Ethiopia - Run for Water 2022

We've been partnered with Run for Water for a few years to contribute to fresh water projects in rural, coffee growing regions of Ethiopia, and each year we're excited to hear about the communities impacted by these donations. As of 2022 we have helped to raise $52,906 through our still water sales. The water on offer has changed a few times but the deal is the same, $1 from each carton sold is donated to Run for Water, who in turn use it to help communities find and build clean water sources for their villages.

Pictured above are some of the women of Sizi standing in front of their newly built maternal health clinic which was completed earlier in 2022. They were able to build a fresh, clean water source next to their clinic, providing doctors and patients with safe water for the first time. Local crews hit such an abundant supply of water that the new well will also be able to serve a nearby community.
You can read more at Run for Water's own website by click here.